The landlord of The Sea Building approached us following the practical completion of works refurbishing the property.
They reasoned that installing landlord connectivity infrastructure would ensure that the space would be as attractive as possible for potential tenants.
However, the commission specified that the solution needing to be installed in an extremely tight timeframe – days rather than weeks.
After survey, we proposed Plug and Play facilities on every floor. This made use of an existing landlord fibre internet service and was ideally suited to the SME occupiers most likely to take up residence.
The flexible and instant connectivity provided by this setup proved highly attractive to tenants in the current commercial real estate climate. The increase in flexible working, and the shift to portable devices, is perfectly suited to the ‘Arrive – Connect – Work’ approach of Plug and Play.
We delivered Guest Wi-Fi, a full fibre backbone and four floors of Plug and Play, in just 13 days from instruction to formal hand-over.
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